澜沧江发源于我国青海省 ,流经国外改称湄公河 ,它是我国乃至世界上重要的国际河流之一 .通过对澜沧江源头地区水文、地貌、冰川及河流特征的实地考察 ,并利用全球定位系统 (GPS)、地理信息系统 (GIS )和卫星遥感系统 (SRS)等技术来确定澜沧江 (湄公河 )的正源及其源头 .依据以河流的长度为主 ,并参照集水面积、河流水量等要素 ,最终确定澜沧江的正源为扎阿曲 ,发源于中国青海省玉树藏族自治州杂多县扎青乡海拔 5 5 14m的果宗木查山 .澜沧江的源头为一 0 .6 7km2 的冰川 ,源头海拔高度为 5 2 2 4m .其地理位置是东经 94°41′44″ ,北纬 33°42′31″.
The Lancang River originates from Qinghai Province of our country and flows through the outside to be renamed as the Mekong River. It is one of the most important international rivers in China and even in the world.Through the field investigation of the hydrology, geomorphology, glaciers and rivers in the source region of the Lancang River and using the global positioning system (GPS ), Geographic Information System (GIS) and Satellite Remote Sensing System (SRS) to determine the source of the Lancang River (Mekong) and its source.According to the length of the river, and with reference to catchment area, river water and other elements, the final The positive source of the Lancang River is Za’a Qu, which originated from Guozongmucha Mountain at an elevation of 5514m in Zhaqing Township, Zaduo, Zaduo, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China The source of the Lancang River is a 0.67km2 glacier, At 5 2 2 4m. Its geographical location is 94 ° 41’44 “east longitude and 33 ° 42’31” north latitude.