在北京西郊,有一座闻名中外的钢铁城,这就是首都钢铁集团股份有限总公司。当21世纪的曙光在东方天际闪现的时候,我国钢铁战线的巨人——首钢总公司,开始进行战略性调整。首钢迈开了巨人的步伐,开始了跨世纪的飞跃! 把充满活力的首钢带到21世纪 世纪之交,有着80年历史的首钢人在思考着这样一个问题:新形势下,首钢如何落实党的十五大确定的国有企业改革发展任务?如何在新的世纪为中华民族的崛起做
In the western suburbs of Beijing, there is a steel city famous both at home and abroad, which is the Capital Steel Group Co., Ltd. head office. When the dawn of the 21st century flashed on the horizon of the East, the giant of our steel front, Shougang Corporation, started a strategic readjustment. Shougang took the pace of the giant began cross-century leap! To bring the dynamic Shougang Group to the turn of the 21st century, the 80-year-old Shougang Group is pondering the question of how Shougang Group will implement the task of reform and development of state-owned enterprises set forth by the 15th National Congress of the CPC under the new situation and how the new state The century for the rise of the Chinese nation to do