杨白潜蛾(Lencoptera susinella Herri-ch-Shaffer)是杨树叶部的主要害虫之一。幼虫在叶片组织中钻成隧道为害。由于所蛀隧道连成一片,便形成很大潜痕,被害严重时,整个叶片枯萎脱落。据调查以小青杨被害最重,1976年辽宁省昌图付家机械林场有5,000多亩的4年生小青杨幼林全部被害,整个林地黑叶斑斑,每株树受害叶占2/3以上。1.寄主植物小青杨、小叶杨、加拿大杨、山杨、中东杨、朝鲜杨。2.分布国内辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、山东及内蒙古等省区;国外日本、苏联、及西欧一些国家。3.形态特征
Lencoptera susinella Herri-ch-Shaffer is one of the major pests of poplar leaves. Larvae drilled into tunnels in leaf tissue damage. As a result of moth tunnels into one, they formed a great potential scars, when the victims were severely wilted off the entire leaves. According to the survey, Xiao Qingyang was most seriously victimized. In 1976, over 5,000 mu of young and four-year-old Young Poplar with 5,000-mu land in Changtu Fujia Machinery Forest Farm in Liaoning Province were all killed. The entire forest was covered with black leaves with 2/3 of the affected leaves per tree . 1. host plants Populus, Populus, Canadian poplar, aspen, the Middle East Yang, North Korea Yang. 2. The distribution of domestic Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong and Inner Mongolia and other provinces and regions; foreign Japan, the Soviet Union, and some Western European countries. 3 morphological characteristics