Patient, female, 56 years old. Due to the huge mass of his left breast, he underwent a simple resection of the breast in early 1990 and his pathological diagnosis of “breast fibroids”. Good recovery after surgery. Half a year ago, he found out that there was a small piece of walnut on the outside of the original incision and was admitted again on June 14, 1996. Physical examination: Generally good, moderate nutrition, thoracic symmetry, lack of left breast, visible 10cm × 2cm vertical scar, the top of the outer bulge as a small walnut, light tenderness, hard, slightly activity. There was no redness in the local skin, no palpable lymph nodes in the left lower jaw, normal right breasts, and no abnormalities in the heart and lungs. The left breast fibroma was supposed to be diagnosed and the left breast mass was removed under local anesthesia. The mass was about 2.5cm x 2.5cm, wrapped with a thickened fibrous membrane and completely resected. See the mass with naked eyes