距墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉市区约半小时车程的一处乡村地带,一座位于皮诺街的房子是沉默的存在,沉默的如同嵌入乡野的自然景观,而不希望引起人们注意。年轻的建筑师奥斯卡·古铁雷斯(Oscar Gutierrez)被所在地强烈吸引,“地块远离密集的城市,设计也可以稍微偏离有时略显荒谬的陈规,对我而言,乡村提供了大量的机会。”在墨西哥,建筑师的工作并不总是能够被人理解,有时甚至会遭到误解,因而人们常常低估了建筑师的工作与价值,这一次,奥斯卡感到非常幸运,业主对设计决策的信任与尊重令他相当感激。
In a rural area about half an hour’s drive from downtown Guadalajara, Mexico, a house on Pino Street is silent and silent like a natural landscape embedded in the countryside. It does not want to attract attention. The young architect Oscar Gutierrez was strongly attracted by the location. “The plots are far away from dense cities. The design can also deviate slightly from the sometimes absurd stereotypes. For me, the countryside offers a lot of Opportunities." In Mexico, the work of architects is not always understood and sometimes even misunderstood, so people often underestimate the work and value of architects. This time, Oscar is very fortunate that the owners are He is grateful for the trust and respect of decision-making.