寻欢逐乐歌舞坛,横祸飞来丧黄尔;冤魂不散何处诉?枉死城中泪涟涟。 2000年12月25日21时,洛阳东都商厦歌舞 厅发生大火,309人葬身火窟的噩耗传遍神州,沉浸 在20世纪最后一个圣诞节欢乐余音中的人们被惊 醒了!惊呆了! 人们还没有忘记:1997年11月27日,辽宁省阜 新市艺苑歌舞厅233名红男绿女,刚刚踏进鬼门关; 同年12月8日,新疆维吾尔自治区克拉玛依市友谊 礼堂大火中,又追随去了326名花季少年的冤魂。 再追溯到1977年2月28日,新疆霍城县农垦 局61团农场俱乐部,为欢庆春节放映电影,因儿童 燃放烟花爆竹引发大火,使694名观众走上黄泉路。 正是: 寻欢逐乐歌舞坛, 横祸飞来丧黄泉; 冤魂不散何处诉? 枉死城中泪涟涟。 善良的人们,都有恻隐之心,也就是同情之心。 面对如此众多的冤魂,一时间,歌舞场所的管理人员 和私人老板们自然有点谈大色变,而消防主管的官 员们也无不战战兢兢。能不无动于衷么? 笔者在感慨之余、想起了在中国近代史上一.一次。惨绝人震的剧场大火。历史的经验值得注意,特将当 时地方志记载和媒体报道的原文辑录并加点评,以 飨读者,警示世人。
Huanhuan by music and dancing altar, accidental flight to fly Huang Er; Dead city ripples. At 21:00 on December 25, 2000, a fire broke out in the song and dance hall of Luoyang Dongdu Commercial Building. 309 people died in the fire cave spread all over the country. People who were immersed in the last Christmas joy of the 20th century were awakened! shocked! People have not yet forgotten: On November 27, 1997, 233 red men and women of Yiyuan Song and Dance Hall in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, just stepped into the gate of Ghost Gate. In December 8th, the 326 firearm of the Friendship Hall of Karamay, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Youth innocent youth. And then back to February 28, 1977, Hunan Huocheng County Reclamation Bureau 61 Farm Club, to celebrate the Spring Festival screening of the movie, as a result of fireworks and fireworks set off by children, so that 694 spectators embarked on the road to Huangquan. It is: seeking festivals by the music and dance altar, trouble flew funeral; where innocence everywhere? Dead city ripples. Good people, there are hidden feelings, that is, the heart of sympathy. The face of so many innocent people, for a time, song and dance venue managers and private owners are a little talkative, but fire officials are also tremendous fear. Can not indifferent it? In addition to my feelings, I think of a modern history in China. once. Tragic theater shock. The historical experience deserves our attention. The original texts of local biographical records and media reports at the time were specially recorded and commented on to warn readers of the world.