In this paper, the Jaynes-Cummings model of the interaction between a single energy level atom and a single-mode radiation field is used to find the matching fractional function of the atom-radiation field system under thermal equilibrium. From the classical statistical mechanics method, the second order correlation function g ~ (2) (0) of the field is derived from the average of the photon numbers of the radiation field and its square under the resonance condition, and the entropy of the whole system is calculated. The main conclusions are (1). At high temperature limit, g ~ (2) (0) (?) 2-typical thermal field values. (2) At low temperature, g ~ (2) (0) will sharply increase from 2 to ∞ within a small temperature range and then rapidly drop to below 1. (3) The variation of entropy with temperature reflects the fluctuation of average photon number with temperature.