咖啡猫新闻播报:特大新闻!中国人的骄傲!2013年12月14日,嫦娥三号带着中国的第一艘月球车——“玉兔号”成功软着陆于月球雨海西北部,成为继1976年月球24号后,首个在月球表面软着陆的探测器!“玉兔”的独白嗨,同学们好,我是“玉兔”。如果你足够关心国家大事,你一定能猜到我就是201 3年底“嫦娥三号”登月探测器所携带的登陆月球车。一直以来,登陆月球都是人类的伟大愿望。而我,一辆凝聚了中国无数科研工作者心血的月球车居然成为了登月先锋,代替人类一睹月面的风采——我激动的心
On December 14, 2013, Chang’e III, with its first lunar rover in China, “YuTu No.”, successfully made a soft landing in the northwest lunar rain sea, Become the first soft landing detector on the surface of the moon after 1976 on the 24th of the moon! “Yutu” monologue Hi, the students are good, I am “Yutu ”. If you are concerned about national affairs enough, you can certainly guess that I was the moon lander carried by the “Chang’e III” lunar probe at the end of 1993. All along, landing on the moon is a great human wish. And I, a lunar rover that brings together the efforts of countless scientists in China, has actually become the vanguard of lunar landing instead of the human face to see the moon - my heart of excitement