4月份,全省国民经济继续保持平稳发展态势。市场销售趋向活跃,旅游业发展势头旺盛,利用外资快速增长,地方一般预算收入继续增长,金融形势平稳,固定资产投资下降。工业 4月份全省销售收入500万元以上的工业企业完成增加值3.61亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年同月下降0.2%。1—4月全省工业增加值为15.07亿元,比上年同期增长11.1%。4月份全省工业增加值增长的市、县、自治县(含农垦、洋浦,下同)是:定安、昌江、通什、临高、琼山、保亭、海口、琼中、儋州、三亚;增长率居前三名的是:定安、昌江、通什;下降的有:洋浦、屯昌、万宁、农垦、陵水、文昌、琼海、乐东、东方、白沙、澄迈。
In April, the national economy in the province continued its steady development. The sales in the market tend to be active. The development of the tourism industry is prosperous. With the rapid growth of foreign investment, the local general budget revenue continues to grow. The financial situation is stable and investment in fixed assets is declining. In April, the industrial enterprises with a sales income over 5 million yuan in the province completed a value-added of 361 million yuan, down by 0.2% over the same month of last year, according to comparable prices. From January to April, the province’s industrial added value was 1.501 billion yuan, an increase of 11.1% over the same period of last year. In April, the city, county and autonomous counties (including Nongken and Yangpu, the same below) of the added value growth of the province’s economy are: Dingan, Changjiang, Tongshi, Lingao, Qiongshan, Baoting, Haikou, Qiongzhong and Danzhou, Sanya; the top three growth rates are: Dingan, Changjiang, Tongshi; down are: Yangpu, Tunchang, Mannings, Nongken, Lingshui, Wenchang, Qionghai, Ledong, Oriental, Pak Sha, .