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党的十四届四中全会指出:“建设一个好的支部领导班子,特别是选一个认真贯彻党的路线方针政策、公正廉洁、年富力强、能带领群众致富的支部书记”。这是党支部建设首要任务。在当前以经济建设为中心的现代化建设中,如何选好党支部书记,首先是做到党委管党、党委管干部。各级党委要严肃党内生活,对下级要加强领导和指导。组织部门对干部的选配任免要严肃认真,在选拔任用支书时要多听工青妇等群众组织的意见,要真正深入到群众中去了解反映,而不局限于听某些领导推荐与评说。对支书的德、才、勤、绩要作全面考核,不能只讲用“才”而忽略“德”。有的人在某一方面可能有些“才”,但在“德”上可能就欠缺,倘若在使用中不加强,教育管理,驾驭不好,给党造成损失和不良影响是难以估量和挽回的。对支书的业绩考评不能单看“数目字的显示”重要的是看对工作的事业心和责任感,看勤不勤政,有无创新精神。 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “To build a good leading group for the branch, in particular, to select a branch secretary who conscientiously implements the party’s line, principles, and policies, and which is fair, honest, prosperous and capable of leading the masses to become rich.” This is the primary task of building the party branch. In the current modernization drive with economic construction as the center, how to select party branch secretaries first is to make the party committees and party committees and cadres. Party committees at all levels should strictly observe inner-party life and strengthen their leadership and guidance to their subordinates. The appointment and dismissal of cadres by organizational departments should be serious and serious. When selecting and appointing secretarial supporters, we should listen more to the views of mass organizations such as young and middle-aged women and workers. We should really get to the masses to understand and reflect rather than listen to the suggestions and comments of certain leaders . The branch of Germany, talent, diligence, performance to make a comprehensive assessment, can not just talk about “talent” and ignore “virtue.” Some people may have some “talent” in some aspects, but they may lack in “virtue.” If they are not used intensively and their education and management are not properly controlled, the losses and adverse effects they have on the party are immeasurable and irreversible . The performance evaluation of the branch book can not just look at the “number of words display” is important to look at the work of professionalism and sense of responsibility, diligence and diligence, with or without innovation.
一个人需要一叶风帆,高悬在人生桅杆上永远不落的风帆,在艰难曲折的生活航程中,时刻给我们以勇气、力量和信心的风帆。 一个国家更需要一叶风帆,高悬在蓝天之下大地之上的风
植物脂酰-酰基载体蛋白硫酯酶A(fatty acyl acyl carrier thioesterase,FATA)在脂肪酸合成代谢过程中具有重要的调控作用。目前有关黄肿树(Jatropha curcas)脂酰-ACP硫酯酶A
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