Patient, male, 62 years old. After fatigue, chills, fever, sore throat, back pain. Physical examination: body temperature 38.8 ℃, pharyngeal congestion. Diagnosis of the flu. 4 days after the symptoms disappeared, the left can not be wrinkled, palpebral fissure widened, see the Bell phenomenon when the eyes closed, the left nasolabial fold shallow mouth right crooked, diagnosed as left facial neuritis admitted. The first two days of hospitalization can not be wrinkled on both sides, his eyes can not be closed on both sides of the nasolabial fold shallow, drooping mouth, lips closed together, salivation. No tears, less taste, pinna herpes, deafness, or hypersensitivity. No history of otitis media and mumps. Fundus and Ⅴ, Ⅵ of the normal brain, limb movement, sensory, reflexes, no pathological reflex. No abnormalities in internal medicine and otology. Cerebrospinal fluid, EEG, skull film, internal auditory canal, brain CT scan were normal. Diagnosis of bilateral facial neuritis. After the strong pine, B vitamins, to