我军是执行党的政治任务的武装集团和捍卫祖国领土完整的坚强柱石 ,军队的稳定统一直接影响、关系到党和国家建设的大局 ,影响、关系到自身现代化建设和军事斗争准备的进程、质量。尤其是面对加速推进中国特色军事变革和军队的跨越式发展 ,面对体制编制调整改革不断深入的新情
Our armed forces are the armed groups that carry out the political tasks of the party and the strong pillars of safeguarding the territorial integrity of the motherland. The stable unity of the armed forces has a direct bearing on the overall situation and influence of the party’s and state’s construction and its own modernization and military struggle preparations, quality. Especially in the face of accelerating the military transformation with Chinese characteristics and the leap-forward development of the armed forces, in the face of the deepening new situation in which the system establishment, readjustment and reform are deepening