我校与许多中小学校一样既有JVC SR——S368E线性编辑系统。又有自装的DC30非线性编辑系统(以下简称为非线编)。编辑软件使用的是Premiere6.0。由于受到硬盘等硬件的制约,DC30只能制作诸如学校电视台的片头、栏目片头与片尾、片断等短条目。在实际工作中,大段的内容都要用线编编辑;用非线编做的短条目,则是利用线编的独立编辑功能进行独立编辑。线编和非线编混合使用,让它们各自发挥长处,总体来说,编辑的效率和效果都是比较好的。
Like many primary and secondary schools, our school has the JVC SR - S368E linear editing system. Self-installed DC30 nonlinear editing system (hereinafter referred to as non-linear). The editing software is using Premiere6.0. Due to the hard disk and other hardware constraints, DC30 can only make such titles as school titles, titles and trailer, clips and other short entries. In actual work, a large segment of the content should be edited with a line; short lines made with non-line, it is the use of independent editorial editor for editing lines. Line and non-linear mix, so that they each play their own strengths, in general, the editing efficiency and effectiveness are better.