每年5月17日,国际电联都庆祝世界电信日,纪念国际电联1865年在巴黎成立。今年的主题突出互联网的前景与挑战。互联网不仅改变了我们的交流方式,而且极大地改变了我们开展工作、从事交易、相 互作用、娱乐、寻找信息和学习的方法。但是,互联网用户只占世界人口的百分之五,
On May 17 each year, ITU celebrated World Telecommunication Day in commemoration of the establishment of ITU in Paris in 1865. This year’s theme highlights the Internet’s prospects and challenges. The Internet has not only changed the way we communicate, it has dramatically changed the way we conduct our work, engage in transactions, interact, entertain, find information and learn. However, Internet users account for only 5% of the world’s population,