Effects of Large-Scale Wind Energy Base on Power Grid Company

来源 :Electricity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongguoying
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The first stage project of Jiuquan wind energy base with 5.5-GW installed capacity is about to be completed. However, there exist several technical issues such as power transfer capability, electricity accommodation, frequency control and peak load regulation as well as system stability. In addition, the high capital cost and operation cost of the supporting transmission project invested and constructed by the Gansu Provincial Power Company will definitely have significant impacts on the management and economic profit of the Company. Through analysis of the construction and operation cost changes resulting from the wind power collection and delivery project, the author carried out research into the effects of developing large-scale wind power base on the management and economic benefits of power grid enterprises and proposed corresponding suggestions to make the related policies perfect. The first stage project of Jiuquan wind energy base with 5.5-GW installed capacity is about to be completed. However, there exist several technical issues such as power transfer capability, electricity accommodation, frequency control and peak load regulation as well as system stability. In addition, the high capital cost and operation cost of the supporting transmission project invested and constructed by the Gansu Provincial Power Company will definitely have significant impacts on the management and economic profit of the company. Through analysis of the construction and operation cost changes resulting from the the wind power collection and delivery project, the author carried out research into the effects of developing large-scale wind power base on the management and economic benefits of power grid enterprises and deemed make to the related policies perfect.
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