含藻水给水处理属于特殊水质处理的范畴,根据国内外含藻水处理的研究及实践经验对原《含藻水给水处理设计规范》(CJJ 32—98)进行了全面修订,介绍了修订版规范《含藻水给水处理设计规范》(CJJ 32—2011)的主要技术内容和编制依据。指出含藻水给水处理应根据水源含藻量及变化规律选择合适的处理工艺及参数。
Algae-containing water treatment is a category of special water treatment. According to the research and practical experience of algae-containing water treatment both at home and abroad, the original Design Specification for Algae-Alkaline Water Treatment (CJJ 32-98) has been completely revised. The revised version Specification “algae water treatment design code” (CJJ 32-2011) the main technical content and preparation basis. It is pointed out that water treatment with algae water should be based on the water content of algae and changes in the law to choose the appropriate treatment process and parameters.