对膨胀土路基边坡进行封面处理 ,是保证边坡稳定工作的常用工程措施之一。由于封面土与膨胀土路堤间的界面成为整个路堤的薄弱环节 ,由此会导致封面土本身产生稳定性丧失问题 ,需要对封面土层进行稳定性计算分析。对于等厚式封面土层 ,目前常用的分析方法均是根据无限长平行坡的假设来进行的 ,但实际路基边坡是有限长的 ,这种方法所假定的滑动面与实际不符。按笔者通过实验所得的滑动面位置 ,对膨胀土路基边坡等厚式封面土层的稳定性计算公式进行了推导 ,确定了稳定性系数的分析计算公式
Covering the slope of expansive soil subgrade is one of the commonly used engineering measures to ensure the stability of the slope. Because the interface between cover soil and expansive soil embankment becomes the weak link of the whole embankment, which will result in the loss of stability of the cover soil itself, the stability analysis of the cover soil layer is needed. For isopach thick cover soil, the commonly used analysis methods are based on the assumption of infinite parallel slope, but the actual subgrade slope is finite length. The sliding surface assumed by this method does not accord with the actual situation. Based on the experimental results of sliding surface position, the author derives the calculation formula of the stability of the thick cover soil layer on the slope of expansive soil subgrade, and the analytical formula of the stability coefficient