
来源 :农家女 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjpy1986
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从两只黑山羊开始要不是看见江彩莲那双长满了厚茧的满是裂痕的手,我真是难以想象,眼前这个腼腆文静的姑娘,竟是一个已经有了十几年“牧龄”的牧羊女。而且更让人难以相信的是,这个身材瘦小、满脸稚气的姑娘,经过十几年的摔打与磨练,如今已成了当地颇有名气的致富女能手。碰巧的是彩莲属羊,她好像天生就和羊有着不解的缘分。人说属羊的女人命苦,而彩莲养羊,的确是被一个“穷”字逼出来的。她的家在广东省韶关市仁化县的界江农场。那时全家人挤在农场 From the two black goats began to see either Jiang Cailian that full of thick cocoon full of cracks hand, I really unimaginable, in front of this quiet girl, is actually a have more than a decade “Shepherdess. And even more unbelievable is that this thin, full-fledged girl, after more than a decade of beating and honed, is now well-known local rich woman. Coincidentally, Cassia is a sheep, she seems to be inextricably bound and sheep. It is said that a woman who is a sheep is hard-working, while Cailian sheep are really forced out by a ”poor" word. Her home is at Jiejiang Farm in Renhua County, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province. At that time the whole family crowded in the farm
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