
来源 :档案管理理论与实践-浙江省基层档案工作者论文集 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyw2dy2001
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本文针对当前企业档案工作存在的主要问题,如档案意识淡薄、管理手段陈旧、人员素质偏低等,提出当前做好企业档案工作的关键在于:转变观念,主动开展服务;加强企业档案基础工作;实现档案管理手段的现代化;提高档案人员的综合素质。 In this paper, the current problems in enterprise archives work such as weak awareness of archives, outdated management tools, low quality of personnel and so on, put forward the key to do a good job of enterprise archives at present: changing concepts, taking the initiative to carry out services; strengthening the basic work of archives; To achieve the modernization of archives management tools; improve the overall quality of archivists.