《Med Post》1985;21(6):7,Mar.19。美国帕萨迪纳消息:据研究人员称,使用市场出售的阴道杀精子剂可预防AIDS传播。这些研究人员发现大多数杀精子剂中的一种活性成分在体外可杀死AIDS病毒。 Mariposa基金会主席、前纽约洛克菲勒大学教授Brude Voeller博士说,有人发现壬苯聚醇-9是一种有效的广谱防止性传递疾病(STDS)的药物。 Voeller教授与疾病控制中心的研究人
Med Post 1985; 21 (6): 7, Mar.19. Pasadena, Calif. - According to the researchers, the use of commercially available vaginal spermicides can prevent the spread of AIDS. These researchers found that one of the active ingredients in most spermicides can kill the AIDS virus in vitro. Dr. Brude Voeller, chair of the Mariposa Foundation and a former Rockefeller University professor in New York, said that noonol-9 was found to be an effective broad-spectrum anti-sexually transmitted disease (STDS) drug. Professor Voeller and Center for Disease Control and Prevention researchers