A Message from the Editor-in-Chief

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First of all, allow me, on behalf of the Editing Board of Teach Yourself English, to extend our wannest New Year’s greetings to our readers throughout the country. The advent of a new year always fills our heart with new hopes; we always hope the coming new year will bring greater prosperity, greater progress and greater improvements with regard to all respects of our life. First of all, allow me, on behalf of the Editing Board of Teach Yourself English, to extend our wannest New Year’s greetings to our readers throughout the country. The advent of a new year always fills our heart with new hopes; we always hope the Coming new year will bring greater prosperity, greater progress and greater improvements with regard to all respects of our life.
编辑部的叔叔阿姨们: 你们好!很高兴能在这里和你们说说我对《中学生英语读写》的感情。第一次认识《读写》是在电影院里。说来好笑,那次学校组织集体看电影,因为每月仅一次
1.墙上有一窗子。(U11) 误:There is a window on the wall. 正:There is a window in the wall. 析:门、窗在墙上是指在墙里面,不是在墙表面,故应用in,不是介词on,不要受汉
Tom Worked in a restaurant.Once after lunch he was busy cleaning atable when a well-dressed man entered with a little boy after him. Tom was asked to prepare l
1.该上学了吗?误:Is it time go to school?误:Is it time to school?正:Is it time to go to school?正:Is it time for school?析:表示“该做(干)…”用句型“It’S time
经过 1 3年的漫长期待和艰苦的谈判 ,中国 ,这一世界上最大的发展中国家 ,终于站在了世界贸易组织的门前。本文作为一个知识性的内容 ,其目的是帮助大家能更好地了解和理解这
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