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《中国科学技术专家传略》是我国首部以人物为主物,集人物与我国近现代科技史买为一体的大型综合性系列套书,内容丰富,史实准确,既是一部史实性的文献,又是一部颂扬科技专家科技贡献,学术技术思想、道德品格与治学态度,进行爱国敬业教育的好教材。一期工程已经完成,出版了27卷。其中的航空航天卷1已于1999年8月出版,卷内载录了11位航天科技术专家的传略。另在力学卷、自动化卷、电子卷中,还载录了14位长期在航天系统工作或曾在航天系统工作过的航天科技专家的传略。这些传略既记载了科技专家们的业绩与贡献,也从多个侧面呕歌了中国航天的辉煌历程和所取得的举世瞩目的成就。为弘扬“热爱祖,无私奉献,自力更生,艰苦奋斗,大力协同,勇于攀登”的“两弹一星”精神,褒扬科技专家们的丰功伟绩,以激励广大航天人爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义精神和科学求是的精神。本刊将陆续摘登《传略》中航天科技专家的简况,以飨读者。 The biography of Chinese experts in science and technology is the first comprehensive large-scale comprehensive series of books with figures as the main material and people and the history of science and technology in our country as one. The book is rich in content and accurate in history. It is both a historical document and a historical It is a good teaching material that glorifies scientific and technological experts’ contributions to science and technology, academic and technical thinking, moral character and attitude towards learning and patriotic dedicated education. The first phase of the project has been completed and 27 volumes have been published. One of the aerospace volumes, 1 was published in August 1999 and contains a biography of 11 space technology experts. In addition, in mechanical, automated and electronic volumes, it also recorded the circulars of 14 space science and technology experts who have long worked in space systems or have worked in space systems. These precepts not only record the achievements and contributions of science and technology experts, but also vomit the brilliant history of China’s spacefronts and the world-renowned achievements made from many aspects. In order to promote the spirit of “two bombs and one satellite” of “devotion to ancestors, selfless dedication, hard work, vigorous coordination and courageous ascension”, pay tribute to the great achievements of science and technology experts in order to inspire the majority of space people in the spirit of patriotism, collectivism and socialism And the spirit of seeking truth from science. The publication will be one after another in the “biography” in space science and technology experts briefing readers.
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