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2014年2月7日,國務院印發《註冊資本登記制度改革方案》,要求放鬆市場主體准入管制,嚴格市場主體監督管理。按照國務院的部署,註冊資本登記制度改革於2014年3月1日起全面實施,工商登記制度的其他改革也將逐步展開。至此,這場已在深圳等地試點、旨在優化營商環境的公司資本制度改革已然全面拉開帷幕。從重主體資格監管、輕市場行為規範到降低「准入」門檻、強化信用監管,改革舉措的「落地」不僅將助力政府職能轉變,把《國務院機構改革和職能轉變方案》的要求落到實處,也會為充分發揮市場機制作用、激發市場主體活力創造更好的條件。在公司資本制度改革日漸深入的同時,其法制保障亦在不斷完善。新修訂的公司法自2014年3月1日起施行,國務院也將對相關行政法規進行修改。本期特選取清華大學法學院施天濤教授的文章,解讀公司資本制度改革的意義和主要內容,理清改革背景下保障交易安全的有效途徑。 On February 7, 2014, the State Council issued the “Program for the Reform of the Registration of Registered Capital System”, requiring the relaxation of market access control and the strict supervision and management of market entities. In accordance with the deployment of the State Council, the reform of the registration system of registered capital was fully implemented on March 1, 2014 and other reforms of the business registration system will be gradually implemented. At this point, the reform of the capital structure of the company, which has been piloted in Shenzhen and other places to optimize the business environment, has already begun. From “main body qualification regulation” and “light market code of conduct” to lowering the threshold of “access” and strengthening credit supervision, the “landing” of reform measures not only helps the government function to change but also realizes the requirements of the “State Department’s Institutional Reform and Functional Transformation Program” It will also create better conditions for giving full play to the role of market mechanism and stimulating the vitality of market players. As the reform of the company’s capital system deepens, its legal protection is also constantly improving. The newly revised Company Law will come into force on March 1, 2014 and the State Council will also make changes to relevant administrative regulations. In this issue, we select Professor Shi Tiantao from Tsinghua University Law School to read the meaning and main contents of the reform of the company’s capital system and clarify the effective ways to ensure transaction security under the background of reform.
因笔者在市电视台一档收藏鉴宝类栏目中抛头露面,普通藏友便将我当成无所不知、无所不能的收藏大家,其实大缪不然,笔者“藏龄”尚浅,无非是多观察、多总结而已。比如对于民国关金券,笔者的总结便是:从“尺寸”看兴衰,从兴衰自然也就看到了收藏价值和收藏趋势。  所谓关金券,本是国民党政府专供进口关税所使用的一种货币,是“海关金单位兑换券”的简称,以中央银行名义发行。关金券为国民党统治时期中国海关收税的计算单位