海洋气象导航,是以客观、定量、准确的天气预报和海况预报为基础,以船舶的不同运动性能为依据,采用电子计算机控制的手段,确定出安全、省时、经济的最佳航线,是一项新技术。 我国是发展中的海洋大国,但气象导航却是技术空白。庞大的远洋运输船队,不得不拿出高额外汇去租用国外的气象导航。为改变这一落后状态,1983年国家计委、教委下达了《优选航线与跟踪导航
Marine meteorological navigation is based on objective, quantitative and accurate forecasts of the weather and sea conditions. Based on the different sports performance of ships, the computer-controlled method is used to determine the best route for safety, economy and economy. A new technology. China is a developing maritime power, but meteorological navigation is a technological gap. Huge ocean shipping fleet, had to come up with high foreign exchange to rent abroad meteorological navigation. In order to change this backward state, in 1983, the State Planning Commission and the Education Commission issued "the preferred route and tracking navigation