
来源 :四川农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AllFree
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通过对四川卧龙地区木本植物类群的详细调查和对过往研究资料的系统收集、统计分析 ,表明 :卧龙地区有木本植物 83科、2 2 4属和 6 84种 (含种以下等级 ,不含栽培种 ) ;卧龙地区以温带成分为主 ,占总属数 5 8 33% ,热带成分占 36 5 6 % ;卧龙地区稀有濒危植物、单种属、少种属、中国特有属均占较大比重 ,说明其历史起源的古老性 ;卧龙林区木本植物地理成分复杂 ,联系广泛 ,分布交错 ,特别是热带、亚热带科、属中耐寒种类及中国西南特有成分的增多 ,为“川西山地欧亚大陆热带、亚热带的高山温带成分的发源地”提供了有力证据。 Through the detailed investigation of the woody plant groups in Wolong area of ​​Sichuan and the systematic collection and statistical analysis of the past research materials, it shows that there are 83 families, 224 genus and 6 84 species of woody plants in Wolong area Including cultivars). The Wolong area is dominated by temperate elements, accounting for 58.33% of the total genera and 36.56% of the tropical elements. The rare and endangered plants in Wolong area, single species, less species and endemic to China account for The proportion of woody plants in Wolong forest area is complex, extensively related and interlaced, especially in the tropical and subtropical families, and in the cold hardy species and the increase of peculiar components in southwestern China, Eurasia tropical and subtropical high temperature component origin "provides strong evidence.
从加强师资培训,建设合格队伍,转变教学观念,注重教学实践,加强校园文化建设,注重环境育人方面阐述了加强素质教育,提高育人质量的一些看法。 From strengthening teacher t