伊拉克国家图书馆(National Library of Iraq)1929年成立于首都巴格达,当时作为公共图书馆叫马克塔布·阿尔-萨拉姆,有4000卷藏书。搬家后更名为马克塔布·阿尔-阿马。1961年伊拉克政府通过国家图书馆法,重新命名为马克塔布·阿尔-瓦塔尼亚,1970年获得法定缴送本图书馆地位,1976年迁入目前位于巴格达的现代建筑物内。该馆原来收藏有417000册图书、奥斯曼帝国晚期到近代的2618种期刊以及4412份珍本书和手稿,出版《国家书目》季刊。
The National Library of Iraq, founded in 1929 in the capital city of Baghdad, was a public library called Marktat al-Salaam with 4,000 volumes. After moving to renamed Marktat al-Amah. In 1961 the Iraqi government, through the National Library Law, was renamed Marktat al-Amtaniah, and in 1970 was duly paid the status of the library. In 1976, it moved into the modern building currently located in Baghdad. The museum originally housed 417,000 books, 2,618 titles from the late Ottoman Empire to modern times, and 4,412 rare books and manuscripts, and published a quarterly journal of the National Book.