沃野广袤,碧空如洗。一行行排列整齐的雁阵展翅高翔,飞向远方。榆树市环城乡八家村党总支书记芮汉君,正如这雁阵中奋飞的头雁,坚定地带领全村群众甩掉贫困落后,飞向富裕文明。 “做为村书记,必须实实在在抓好集体和农户经济,在摆脱贫困、富村裕民中践行宗旨。”
Vast vast, blue sky as wash. Yan Xian array line neat rows of high wings, fly to the distance. As the leader of the Party branch in the village of Bajiancun, Huanchuang City, Yushu City, Ruhan Hanjun, just as the goose flies in this wild goose battlefield, firmly leads the entire village to rid themselves of poverty and backwardness and fly to a prosperous civilization. “As a village secretary, we must really grasp the economy of collectives and peasant households and practice their purposes in getting rid of poverty and enriching the people.” "