我国煤炭工业在国民经济中占有特殊重要的地位。能源中70%靠煤炭。煤炭工业中,生产与建设是两大主要支柱,生产主要任务是维持简单再生产,向国家提供一定数量的产量;基本建设是搞扩大再生产,向国家提供新的生产能力,增加产量。到本世纪末国民经济总产值翻两番,煤炭产量要翻一番,以一番保两番,实现我国四个现代化的宏伟目标。为此,煤炭基本建设担负着重要而艰巨的任务,到本世纪末要向国家提供3.5~4亿吨的煤炭产量,这是摆在我国煤炭基建职工面前的重大而光荣的使命。 煤炭基本建设规模的发展,一是打开大露天,二是加快矿井建设。要尽快把规模打上去,把速度打上去,把质量打上去,降低
China’s coal industry occupies a special important position in the national economy. 70% of energy depends on coal. In the coal industry, production and construction are two main pillars. The main tasks of production are to maintain simple reproduction and provide the country with a certain amount of output. Capital construction is to expand reproduction and provide new production capacity and increase output to the country. By the end of this century, the total output value of the national economy will quadruple the output of coal to double and to secure one or two to realize the magnificent goal of our four modernizations. To this end, coal infrastructure undertakes an important and arduous task. By the end of this century, it will provide 3.5 to 400 million tons of coal output to the country. This is a major and glorious mission for coal-based workers in China. The development of coal basic construction scale, one is to open the big open air, the other is to speed up the mine construction. As soon as possible to scale up, speed up, mark up the quality, lower