亚当·斯密既是一位世界闻名的经济学家, 又是著名的伦理学家。他的经济伦理思想, 尤其是推崇互利; 强调机会均等优先、兼顾分配结果的相对公平和颂扬节俭美德的思想, 为现代市场经济的有序运行勾画了必须遵循的基本道德范式和伦理秩序。这些均对建设有中国特色社会主义市场经济伦理秩序具有重要的观实价值
Adam Smith is both a world famous economist and a famous ethicist. His economic ethics thought, especially respected mutual benefit, emphasized that priority should be given to equality of opportunity, relative fairness in apportioning results and glorification of the virtue of thrift, which outlined the basic moral paradigm and ethical order that must be followed for the orderly operation of modern market economy. All of these have important practical value for building an ethical order of the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics