Tin-zinc alloy is silver white, bright, delicate and soft and can be polished, after passivation treatment, colorless or light yellow. Tin-zinc alloys have a range of valuable properties that electrochemically protect steel while also exceeding the expensive and scarce chemical resistance of cadmium. Plating layer containing 75 to 85% tin alloy coating, the advantages of salt water corrosion, welding. As a household gas meter plating to meet the design and use requirements. The choice of bath In the past tin-zinc alloy has been tested at home and abroad, when more use of alkaline cyanide, fluoride - chloride, fluoride borate, pyrophosphate, gluconic acid and other plating solution. The first three solutions are toxic. The common feature of the Syrian solution is: when the current density changes, the proportion of coating alloy composition changes, so the use of little value. The author where the factory, home gas meter production volume is quite large. According to GB6968-86 household gas meter on the choice of coating, the metal coating used must be able to withstand the corrosion of gas and humidity, the general zero