日本有一类特产杜鹃花品种,其名称用汉字“皋月”称谓,按其意义讲即在5月期间开花的杜鹃花。 “皋月”类花型较多,有单套(即单朵花),双套或称夹套(即二朵花筒串套一起),盆碟型,雄蕊瓣化形(花药或花丝部位瓣化),桔梗花形,壮丹花形(如白牡丹),山茶花形(如红万重),比利时杜鹃花形(如港),离瓣形(各花瓣相互分离,没有花筒,瓣幅有狭和宽之分,在日本用汉字“采开”称呼,在中国则称“辐射形”,例如随本文刊出的“珊瑚采”和“光源氏”),蕊瓣形(日本用汉字“蕊开”作为花形称谓,即花瓣已退化,甚至完全消失,只剩雌雄蕊,或由一二根雄蕊瓣化),梅花形(花朵花容酷似梅花。且花径大小
Japan has a species of specialty azaleas, the name of the Chinese characters “Gao Yue” title, according to its meaning that is flowering azaleas in May. “Gao Yue” type more flowers, a single set (ie, single flower), double or jacket (ie, two sets of florid together), basin type, stamens petal shape (Such as white peony), camellia (such as red ten thousand), Belgium rhododendron-shaped (such as Hong Kong), from the petal shape (the petals separated from each other, without a flower tube, petals narrow and wide In Japan, it is called “mining open” and in China it is called “radial”, for example, “coral mining” and “light source” published in this article) Flower-shaped title, that is, the petals have degenerated, or even disappear altogether, leaving only the stamens, or by one or two stamens petalization), plum-shaped