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课堂提问是一种有效的教学手段,提问就是教师通过技巧性的问答让学生心中产生疑惑从而主动的思考问题,思考是学习的源头。因此,教师在设计问题时要有意识,能够带动学生思考的问题才是好的问题。教师善于提问,让学生处于一种激动的状态中,思维更加活跃,潜移默化的更喜爱学习语文。教师在把握提问的艺术注重创设情境的同时,要衔接课文的重点内容。围绕教学的重点难点提问题,启发学生思考。在突破教学的重点、难点的同时锻炼学生思维的逻辑性和创造性,提高学生语言表达的准确性和灵活性。 Classroom questioning is an effective teaching method, the question is that teachers through the question-and-answer questions to students in the hearts of doubt in order to take the initiative to think, thinking is the source of learning. Therefore, teachers should be aware of the design problems, to stimulate students to think about the problem is a good question. Teachers are good at asking questions, so that students in an excited state, thinking more active, subtle and more like learning Chinese. Teachers grasp the art of asking questions focus on creating situations at the same time, to conclude the text of the key elements. Focus on the teaching of the key problems to raise questions and inspire students to think. Breakthrough in the teaching of the key and difficult at the same time exercise the logic and creativity of student thinking to improve the accuracy and flexibility of language expression of students.
针对目前中职英语教学现状,结合这几年来的中职英语教学经验,从全体学生的共同发展,激发学生学习兴趣,课堂教学,培养学生自学能力等这几个方面谈谈自己的中职英语教学观。 I
是老牌券商在严冬中沉沦了,还是更多的中小券商找到了后来居上的捷径? 伴随着对熊市出现反转的渴望,券商的苦日子在2003年仍然继续:2003年前3季度累计亏损额已达34亿元,而20
小组合作型学习是新课程倡导的一种学习方式,其实质就是教师通过合作话题的设置,引导学生合作讨论,提高学生的参与度。本文主要论述开展合作教学的方式。 Group cooperation