Study on the Current Situation of Public Signs Translation

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lokimi
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  【Abstract】Public signs play an important role in the work of infrastructure construction. Error translations of public signs in Tianjin will not only cause foreigners’ inconvenience but also affect the external image of Tianjin. From this situation, this paper mainly focuses on studying the methods of translating public signs in Tianjin through analyzing the existing problems of it.
  【Key words】Public signs in Tianjin; Existing problems; Translation strategies
  With the fast development of international trades and the quick spread of urbanization in Tianjin, the infrastructure of public signs, which can be seen everywhere in our daily life, has been a significant agenda on city construction in Tianjin in the new era (Yu Xudong 54). Based on this, the current situation of public signs translation is greatly valued by the government, universities and scholars in Tianjin.
  Ⅱ.Existing Problems on Public Signs Translation in Tianjin
  1.Mixture of Chinese pinyin and English words
  Pinyin is a special production and tool to express Chinese pronunciation. And it benefits the popularization of education. If pinyin doesn’t be applied properly, translation will be meaningless and confusing. For example:
  2.Spelling errors
  Spelling errors mostly were discovered with missing or adding letters and wrong letters. For examples:
  禁止攀登——NO CLIMDING → No Climbing
  注意坡度——Notethatthesiopo → Mind the slope
  3. Grammatical and lexical errors
  The essential request for international communication is a right expression. Unluckily, there are still some expression problems in public signs translation.
  Examples of grammatical errors:
  宠物禁止入内——Banned pet → No Pet allowed
  禁止乱扔垃圾——No Litter → No Littering
  Example of lexical errors
  将喷口对准火源根部——The nozzle on the fire source roots → The nozzle towards the roots of ignition source
  4. Unclear Expression
  Some translators are too eager to seek quick result and sometimes they even did not check it. For example:
  连接水带——connected to the water with
  “Water” do not equal to “水带”, so it should be translated into “water hoses”. And the complete sentence should be changed to “connect extinguisher with water hoses”.   5. Chinglish. Most Chinglish examples are carried out by unqualified translator. This term is commonly applied to ungrammatical or nonsensical English in Chinese contexts, and may have pejorative or deprecating connotations. For example:
  请勿使用手推车——Push Chair not permitted
  Ⅲ.Strategies for Public Signs Translation
  1. Back-translation. Some translators are too eager to finish their translation, so they didn’t check it clearly. Back-translation is the most basic and time-saving way for checking.
  2. Negation. The Chinese and the English speaking people have lived so far apart for thousands of years that they often thick in different ways and have different custom. Negation in thought in expression and even in the mode of speaking is a great but often neglected difference. For examples:
  顧客止步——Staff Only
  油漆未干——Wet Paint
  3. Addition of the culture awareness. Misunderstanding and confusion usually results from cultural difference. For example:
  老人优先——Senior Citizen First
  Translation quality also reveals the development and internationalization of Tianjin (Huang Youyi 28). On the one hand, it requires translator to improve language training and knowledge, knowing about the cultural convention and way of behavior in the English-speaking countries. On the other hand, many expressions are the conventions in different cultures, which is the principle of translation that cannot be ignored. Therefore, unnecessary mistakes can be avoided by borrowing foreign vocabulary.
【摘要】课堂是培养学生思维能力的主阵地。教师在教学中要注重对学生思维能力的培养,提升学生的思维品质。本文以Looking for the lost tail的故事教学为例,探讨了如何在话题导入、故事学习、拓展运用等教学环节中,通过设计有效的学习活动,激发学生思维的灵活性,提升思维的逻辑性,引发思维的创造性,从而提升学生的思维品质。  【关键词】故事教学;思维能力;思维品质  【作者简介】张园虹,浙
【摘要】英语绘本阅读是培养小学生思维品质的有效途径。本文以大猫英语分级阅读一级绘本《A day out》阅读教学为例,阐述了在英语绘本阅读教学中如何以问题链来引领学生思维发展。  【关键词】问题链;思维发展;英语绘本阅读  【作者简介】夏玲(1984.10-),女,北京市通州区临河里小学,一级教师、通州区骨干教师、教科研组长。  【基金项目】本文系北京市教育科学“十三五”规划2018年度青年专项课
【摘要】高校非英语专业英语教学各项工作已经越来越受到教育部乃至全社会的广泛关注和重视。社会需要全能型人才,鉴于此,笔者在本文针对非英语专业英语教学中隐性词汇及显性词汇教学有效策略进行一定分析和探究,并且提出一些合理化整合建议,以供教育同行进行参考和借鉴。  【关键词】非英语专业;隐性词汇;显性词汇;教学策略  【作者简介】曾心怡(1989.07-),女,汉族,湖南衡阳人,湖南工学院,讲师,硕士研究
【摘要】思维导图作为一种思维工具,能够通过学生的推理与想象构建知识结构,对于高中英语的词汇学习有着积极作用。高中英语词汇教学中,教师循序引导学生以思维导图方式构建词汇知识体系,实现快速、有效、准确的牢记英语词汇,为英语学习奠定坚实基础。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语;词汇教学;应用  【作者简介】林珊,福建省莆田市哲理中学。  一、前言  英语词汇作为英语学习的基础,直接影响学生听、说、读、写等
【摘要】普通髙中英语课程学科核心素养之一就是培养学生的生涯教育理念。基于核心素养的高中英语阅读教学渗透生涯教育是开展生涯教育的重要途径之一,是学校开展生涯教育的有效手段。高中英语教材内容丰富、呈现方式多样, 并注重提高学生的语言交际能力,并为即将步入大学的学生提供不同的生涯教育理念。本文主要探讨在英语阅读教学中有效渗透生涯教育的意义,内容和方法。  【关键词】高中生职业生涯;英语课程;教育  【作
【摘要】突破以往陈旧教学模式,提升教学质量,全方位提高学生的英语素养是新课程改革的重点要求。为此,一部分英语教育工作者结合自身教学经验,提出了学案导学教学模式。学案导学指的是教师通过教学内容,设计出与之相符合的学案,让学生在学习过程中以学案为中心,进行自主学习。本文主要以高中英语阅读教学为例,简单的论述了学案导学和高中英语阅读教学的有效结合,希望对实现教育教学目标有所帮助。  【关键词】学案导学;
【摘要】阅讀教学是初中阶段最重要的部分。但对农村初中的学生们来说,阅读文本又是一件非常痛苦的事情。主要原因是农村环境闭塞,学习资源匮乏。近年来,随着多媒体网络技术的飞速发展,农村初中的英语阅读教学有了一定的改观。丰富的网络资源让教师目不暇接,但课堂教学时间有限,教师很难把握哪些该讲哪些不该讲。因此,笔者主持申报了本课题,通过对互联网 环境下初中英语教学资源的有效整合,提高课堂效率,提升英语学习的综
《“独二代”儿童课堂合作分享学习的实践研究》是江苏省教育科学“十二五”规划2013年度省级重点资助课题,也是教育部重点课题《“独二代”儿童阳光情怀教育的实践研究》的子课题,于2017年12月顺利结题。  “独二代”儿童是指孩子与父母都是独生子女,或者父母有一方是独生子女,即独生的父母与独生的孩子组成了家庭,这样家庭的孩子就被称为“独二代”。在法律上规定,六岁以上不满十四岁的为儿童。“独二代”儿童就
【摘要】信息化技术正在快速融入现代化教学之中,高效利用信息化技术为教学服务是当前比较热门的研究课题。文章在《导游英语》教学中引入恰当、科学的信息化“微”手段,从多个维度破教学重难点,达到“著”的效果,即学生个体英语运用能力的提升和学生整体英语交流能力的提高。 该方法具有一定的普适性,可向教育领域的多学科推广。  【关键词】信息化技术;见微知著;英文讲解  【作者简介】赵宇,长沙民政职业技术学院外语