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战争史上心理的利用之研究,至今仍属空白。笔者试图在本文中进行初步探索,敬请方家指正。随着社会的发展和科技的进步,战争中心理之利用日渐困难。战争这一社会现象本身虚虚实实,不好驾御。人的心理是有相对稳定性的,可以扑捉的,研究这一问题是有意义的。伟大的军事战略家毛泽东说:“可以而且必须在客观条件的限度之内能动地争取战争的胜利。”况“整个科学,它的所有门类和领域,如今都是促进军事发展的因素。”因此,一切聪明的指挥员只要掌握敌主帅之心理特征,制造假象,使其产生错误判断,就能赢得一定的胜利。“上兵伐谋,”利用敌之心理取胜,也是“伐谋”之一。孙子用将五条标准“智、信、仁、勇、严”,其中“智”为先。战国时孙膑亦有“攻心为上”说,皆含此意.当然,战争中的胜负是由诸种因素造成的,再愚蠢的军事家也不会轻率的 The research on the psychological utilization in the history of war is still blank. The author attempts to conduct a preliminary exploration in this article, please correct me square. With the development of society and the advancement of science and technology, the utilization of the psychology in the war has become increasingly difficult. The social phenomenon of war itself is real and not good for control. Human psychology is relatively stable and can be captured. It is significant to study this issue. Mao Zedong, a great military strategist, said: “The victory of the war can and must be victoriously motivated within objective limits.” The whole science, of all its categories and fields, is now a factor in the promotion of military development. “Therefore As long as all clever commanders master the psychological characteristics of the hostess and create illusions so that they can make false judgments, they can win a certain victory. ”We must strive for victory in our army.“ It is also one of the ”plans to seek“ the enemy’s psychological victory. Grandson will use the five criteria ”wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness“, of which ”wisdom" first. Of course, the outcome of the war is caused by various factors, and then stupid military strategists will not be reckless
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