乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift 1667-1745)生于爱尔兰,大学毕业,并取得神职人员资格。他忠于英国国教,在政治上则在1710年时从辉格党转向托利党(保守党的前身),此后他编辑托利党党报,写了大量关于宗教、政治、文学的讽刺性文章和小册子,是当时最杰出的政治新闻工作者。由于对托利党有功,他在1713年被委派为教长。翌年英国政局大变,辉格党上台,托利党下台。于是斯威夫特将他的讽刺才能转用于为爱尔兰人说
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) was born in Ireland, graduated from college, and qualified as a clergy. He was loyal to the Anglican Church and politically moved from the Whigs to the Tories (the predecessor of the Conservative Party) in 1710. He edited the Tory Party newspaper and wrote a lot of satirical articles on religion, politics and literature. The booklet was the most outstanding political journalist at the time. Due to the merits of the Tory Party, he was appointed as an Imam in 1713. In the following year, the political situation in Great Britain changed greatly. The Whig Party came to power and the Tory Party stepped down. So Swift turned his sarcasm into use for the Irish