讨论了微尺度构件的摩擦力测试问题。Bhushan和Koinkar分别对硅材料的宏观摩擦系数和纳米摩擦系数进行了对比实验 ,实验表明纳米摩擦系数远远低于宏观摩擦系数。而在微机械构件中 ,零件的大小一般为微米级 ,甚至更大 ,接触面积也较大。载荷介于宏观和微观之间 ,有时会大于nN范围 ,因此其摩擦特殊 ,有可能不完全等同于宏观摩擦和纳米摩擦 ,因此需进一步研究。但现有的微摩擦测试仪器不管是载荷还是测量范围都是基于纳米量级 ,因此需要一种用于研究微机械样品间摩擦的专用仪器。本文主要对这种微摩擦测试仪中关键技术之一力传感器进行了研究。由于普通传感器在测量精度较高时 ,分辨率、灵敏度等均较低 ,不能满足系统的要求。针对普通传感器的不足 ,本文采用微机械工艺加工微力传感器的办法。这是由于微机械工艺采用的技术多是半导体工业的硅表面工艺和体硅加工工艺 ,因此这种传感器可以大批量制造 ,且具有低成本、高精度、低驱动、高可靠性、低功耗、占用空间小、重量轻和响应速度快等优点。最后对力传感器的性能进行了分析
The friction test of microscale components is discussed. Bhushan and Koinkar respectively, the macroscopic friction coefficient of silicon materials and nano-friction coefficient of the comparative experiment showed that the nano-friction coefficient is far below the macroscopic friction coefficient. In the micro-mechanical components, the size of the parts are generally micron-level, or even larger, the contact area is larger. The load is between the macroscopic and the microscopic, sometimes larger than nN, so the friction is special and may not be exactly the same as the macroscopical friction and the nanoscrubber. Therefore, further study is needed. However, existing micro-friction test instruments, whether in load or in measurement range, are based on the nanometer scale and therefore require a special instrument for studying the friction between micromechanical samples. This paper mainly studies the force sensor of the key technology in this micro-friction tester. As the ordinary sensor in the measurement of high accuracy, resolution, sensitivity, etc. are low, can not meet the system requirements. For the lack of ordinary sensors, this paper uses micro-mechanical processing micro-sensor approach. This is due to the fact that most of the technologies used in the micromachining process are silicon surface processes and bulk silicon processes in the semiconductor industry. Therefore, the sensor can be manufactured in large quantities with low cost, high precision, low driving, high reliability, low power consumption , Small footprint, light weight and fast response. Finally, the performance of the force sensor is analyzed