This article describes the design of amplitude limiting communication noise earmuffs and limiting sound insulation principle. The results show that the average sound insulation value is 27.9dB at 125 ~ 800Hz, the pink noise with center frequency of 500Hz and bandwidth of 316Hz, the ear cover receives 75dB and 70dB monophonic words under the sound level of 80dBA and 75dBA, the definition are 86.4% and 84.4%, respectively, and 70% and 64.7% respectively. After 10 days exposure to 105dBA host noise, 10 subjects’ hearing test increased only by 3dB at TTS (2min) and increased by 26.1dB , Of which 4000Hz and 6000Hz were particularly serious, rising 44dB and 37.6dB, respectively, after 6 days of experiment to recover, measured by the middle ear impedance pedal muscle muscle reflex threshold change also got similar conclusions. Temperature and humidity test showed that 50 ℃ electric heated water temperature (humidity> 95%) and -20 ℃ medical refrigerator for 2h continuous test; circuit gain only changes 2dB.