Several species of the Erica genus are broadly represented in northwest Spain, being among the shrubs that form the substitution stage following forest degradation as a result of human activity, caused mainly by fire or other antrophic causes. Therefore airborne pollen from Erica is frequent. From 1995 to 2002,an aerobiological study of Ericaceae family pollen was undertaken in the atmosphere of the city of Vigo (Northwest Spain) using a Lanzoni VPPS 2000 (Lanzoni srl, Bologna, Italy) sampler placed in the left margin of the Vigo fiord (42°14′15″ N, 8°43′30" W). Despite being a taxon of eminently entomophillous pollination,the pollen of Ericaceae was well represented in the atmosphere above the study zone. Erica arborea L. is the main species represented in the annual pollen curve. This taxon shows a long main pollen season and higher pollen concentrations were recorded during the months of April and May, which is why beekeepers place their beehives at specific locations in April to ensure a considerable contribution from this pollen to the composition of the honey. The maximum daily average concentration was detected in 1997, with a concentration of 156 grains/m3. Throughout the day, maximum values occur at 5/6 h and between 17:00 and 18:00 h. Finally, correlation statistical analyses were developed in order to determine the degree of association between the daily average of meteorological parameters and daily mean airborne pollen concentrations.Rainfall exerts a clear influence on Ericaceae pollen season characteristics, with precipitation registered in March being responsible for the decrease in total annual pollen values.