Pre-red refers to the pre-hemodialysis fluid filled with dialyzer and dialyzer before flushing the dialysis process. The purpose of the pre-blanking is to drain the blood and adherent small air bubbles in the blood line and dialyzer to remove the residual sterilizing agent and particles so that the dialyzer will fully wet and expand to improve the urea removing force and achieve sufficient dialysis ([1 ]). Our department of blood purification center from November 2015 began to improve the conventional prepulse method, and achieved satisfactory results, are as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data The group of 30 patients with maintenance hemodialysis patients, including 23 males and 7 females, aged 40 to 79 years old, 24 cases of chronic nephritis, diabetic nephropathy in 6 cases,