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在自覺的基礎上,適當地進行集體研究,是可以提高教學質量和學習效果的。但有些學校片面地過度地強調集體化,那不只流於形式,並且會得到恰恰相反的結果。他們怎樣強調集體化呢?首先是對教師要求集體化:不但要教師集體備課、集體學習、集體辦公、集體聽課、集體讀報、集體上早操、甚至吃飯、睡覺都要求集體。如福建省莆田涵江小學通訊組報導:「在教師們自覺和行政領導相結合的基礎上……先後建立了集體學習、集體辦公、集體住宿等制度,……在執行集體住宿、集體辦公制度中,孔瓊沂老師生孩子剛滿月,就把孩子交給奶媽,搬進學校住宿。其他如住在學校附近的蘇承陳、童複元等老師(三餐都在家裏吃),也都搬進學校住宿,他們都說:『不這樣做,那就等於反對自己的決議。』所以自從有了正規的制度,無論大風大雨,教師們都能夠嚴格遵守,準時到校辦公、學習。……」據說這種「嚴密的工作制度,是保證學校領導者和工作人員按步就班地進行工作,逐步糾正『遊擊』習氣,克服學校工作中的忙亂現象的主要環節。」(見福建的「教育通訊」,第五十一期第二十二頁)廣東省東莞縣梁潤身反映,該縣「莞城鎮的小學自從去年小學整頓合併以後,領導上強調教師過集體生活,要集中在學校裏食宿、集體工作、集體學習、集體散步,每天從早上六點半直到晚上十點半,都忙於集體,好像軍隊式的生活,比機關幹部還要嚴格」。武漢市第二中學教師黃克讓談:「學校裏雖然 On the basis of conscientiousness, proper collective research can improve the quality of teaching and learning. However, in some schools, one-sided emphasis on collectivization is not the mere formality, but also produces exactly the opposite result. How to emphasize collectivization? The first is the requirement for teachers to collectivize: not only teachers need collective lesson preparation, group study, group work, group lectures, group reading, collective morning exercises, and even eating and sleeping all require collectives. For example, the communication group of the Hanjiang Elementary School in Putian, Fujian Province, reported: “The system of collective study, collective work, , Kong Qiongyi teacher child just full moon, put the child to the nurse, moved into school accommodation .Such as lived in the school near Su Chen, Tong Fu Yuan and other teachers (all meals are at home to eat), have also moved into school accommodation , They all said: ”If we do not do this, it will be tantamount to a resolution against ourselves.“ Therefore, since the formal system was adopted, teachers were able to strictly observe and punctually go to school and study on time ... ” This “rigorous system of work” is a major part of ensuring that school leaders and staff work step by step and gradually correct “guerrilla” habits and overcome the hectic problems in their work in schools. “(See Education Newsletter, Fujian Liang Tzeng-body, Dongguan County, Guangdong Province, reflects that since the primary school in Wancheng Town of the county has emphasized the teacher’s collective life since the primary school consolidation and consolidation last year, Focused on the school board, collective work, collective learning, collective walks every day from half past six in the morning until 22:30, are busy collective, like the military style of life, more stringent ”than the cadres. Huang Ke, second middle school teacher in Wuhan City, talked about: "Although in school,