阴道用药通过宫颈或全身吸收可能造成胎儿畸形,有关这方面的研究不多。本研究的数据来自1980~1983COM PASS,这是由健康资料设计创建的数据库,包括全部参加Medicaid的处方和诊断书的计算机资料。比较早孕期间使用醚康唑(miconazole)、抗真菌Ⅰ(clotrimazole)、制霉菌素(nystatin)、杀念珠菌素(candici din)、复方氨基吖啶(aminacrine compóund)和甲硝咪唑(metronidazole)发生先天异常与未发生先天异常组,结果上述药物中没有对总的出生缺陷率或特殊的出生缺陷率(心血管缺陷、腭裂、脊柱裂)有显著的影响。又比较了早孕期用这些药物
Vaginal drug absorption through the cervix or whole body may cause fetal deformity, the research in this area is not much. The data for this study came from the 1980 to 1983 COM PASS, a database created by Health Data Design that includes computer data on all Medicaid’s prescriptions and diagnoses. The use of miconazole, clotrimazole, nystatin, candici din, aminacrine compóund and metronidazole occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy Congenital abnormalities and congenital abnormalities did not occur, the results of these drugs did not have a total birth defect rate or a special rate of birth defects (cardiovascular defects, cleft palate, spina bifida) have a significant impact. Also compared with early pregnancy with these drugs