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很久以前,我就走上了素描这条没有终点的黑白之路。最早是在文化馆学,完完全全是父母的要求,自己虽然也带着一丝好奇,却终究算不得兴趣。那时,一个班大概有二十个人,只有一个老师,经常是这一个还在让老师帮忙修改,那一个就已经在无所事事地等着老师了。一开始,我还算勤奋,但不久新奇感退去,我也松懈了下来,以至于最基本的几何体,我也画了很长时间,直到老师下了死命令,才开始画静物。一节课一个半小时,我常常是用一半的时间草草画完,用另一半时间 A long time ago, I took the sketch of this black and white road that did not end. The earliest study was in the culture hall. It was completely the request of the parents. Although he was also curious, he would not be interested. At that time, there were about 20 people in a class, but there was only one teacher. Often this one was still allowing the teacher to help with the amendment. The one who was already waiting for the teacher was doing nothing. In the beginning, I was still hardworking, but soon after the novelty was withdrawn, I relaxed to the point that the most basic geometry, I also painted for a long time, until the teacher made a death order and began to draw still life. One and a half hours in a class, I often use half the time to finish painting and use the other half of the time.
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