Superficial Analysis Of Seize The Day

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  【ABSTRACT 】: Saul Bellow (1915- ), as a winner of the NobelPrice for Literature, is one of the most famous novelists in contemporaryAmerican literature world. The language of his works is accurate andincisive, and the content is rich, profound and realistic. Seize the Day isBellow. s most tightly built novel. In my reading of the book, I try tointerpret the novel from the setting, the imagery and the characterization.
  【Key Words】: Seize the Day;setting;imagery;isolation;characterization
  The man is 44-year-old Tommy Wilhelm who, like some of Bellow'sother fictional leading roles Augie March, Eugene Henderson, and MosesHerzog, is a little piece of the chaos of twentieth-century urban Americadistilled into a single confused character. Wilhelm is a native New Yorker,a failed actor, and an unemployed former sales executive. He is separatedfrom his wife, who always selfishly demands from him money that hedoesn't have, and his two sons he loves. His only financial support now isfrom his father, a successful physician who is annoyed by his son's lack ofdiscipline but brags about his past accomplishments to anyone who willlisten.
  Wilhelm has a friend named Dr. Tamkin who professes to be apsychologist, has many various interests but dubious talents, and persuadeshim to invest his last dollar in lard commodities. Tamkin, a world traveler,has told Wilhelm that he "had attended some of the Egyptian royal familyas a psychiatrist," a statement that evokes an image of the biblical Josephprophesying for the Pharaoh seven years of plenty followed by seven yearsof famine; but Tamkin's optimistic expectation for lard is all profit, no loss.His philosophy is that the future is not worth the worry; live for the"here-and-now": seize the day. He is undoubtedly a cheat, but in Wilhelm'seyes he means well. And this is the speech of Tamkin:
  Wilhelm is not very religious and has not planned to attend asynagogue, but he recognizes the importance of saying Yiskor for his deadmother; his sincere but idle threat to the unknown hoodlums who wreckedthe bench next to her grave will not suffice to honor her memory. Ironically,the place where he ultimately atones is the funeral of a man who isevidently not Jewish (open casket, presence of flowers) -- and he weepswith the knowledge that death is all we achieve from life. Seize the day,indeed, is not a regular day in the life of the modern man because it is a"day of reckoning," a day in which someone that is truly dead will give theprotagonist a jolt of life. Unlike many modern masterpieces, Bellow haschosen a positive ending for his novel. He has also allowed his protagonistconnections with the modern world. In Times Square, for example,Wilhelm had felt connected to the "larger body" of humanity. He begins tofeel an internal connection to the external world and, thus, the two halvesof the soul begin to merge and unite (real / pretender ). Furthermore,Bellow complicates the dilemma of modernity by adding a very humanand positive element. Bellow seems to be saying that the predicament ofmodern man goes far beyond the typical pessimism and isolation becauseit has the potential of reaching understanding and love.
【摘要】:长期以来,同性恋一直是一个争论不休的问题,虽然随着科学的进步,越来越多的人己经接受同性恋不是犯罪和精神病的观点,也不再把它看作是道德问题。但同性恋群体依旧处于弱势地位,在“以人为本”的今天,其生存状态非常值得关注。做好他们的思想教育工作是高校教育工作者必须面临的问题,让他们学会正确面对自己,形成自尊、自爱的优良品格,开创自强自立的人生。  【关键词】:大学生;同性恋;思想教育;  一、同
【摘要】:中西方不同文化的差异,导致人们对同一个数字赋予不同的情感和意义,产生不同的联想。本文从中西方对数字的喜恶差异入手,探讨中西方数字文化的差异,以求在这个侧面更深入地理解中西方文化的异同之处,并希冀对中西方跨文化交际中的数字理解提供一定的实用信息和启示意义。  【关键词】:中西方;数字;喜恶差异;国俗语义  一、引言  语言作为文化的载体具有丰富的文化内涵,不同的文化也形成了截然不同的语言习
【摘要】:宋的绘画艺术在中国美术史上,是一个空前发展并取得重大成就的时期。这个时代的的花鸟画,绘画题材的丰富,创作技法的提升,在绘画的领域里呈现出千姿百态的繁荣局面;主要是个阶级自身的发展与花鸟画画家的互相交流。  【关键词】:花鸟画;发展;交流  花鸟画的发展在我国绘画史中,是个奇特的现象:起步最早,而成科最晚。中国最早的花鸟绘画可追溯到新石器时代或旧石器时代晚期。被美术史论家公认的中国第一幅称
【摘要】:随着全球化和经济一体化的迅猛发展,国际经济中商务英语的作用愈发突出,进而商务英语翻译的重要性也就不言而喻了。从某些角度而言,商务英语有着特殊的用途,不同于一般的文学翻译,因此传统的翻译理论就对商务英语翻译产生了相当大的局限性。笔者从功能对等角度出发,结合商务英语的翻译实例,从三个角度----词汇、句法和语篇对商务英语作分析,并总结了相应的商务英语翻译原则和方法。  【关键词】:商务英语;
【Автореферат】:Уверена в том,что, когда люди уезжают в другое место, в котором раньше не были,у них обязательно появляется и в жизни, и в работе много трудностей.Особенно это характерно для студентов.В
【摘要】:所谓网络流行语“翻船体”就是“友谊的小船说翻就翻”以及其各种变体,其句法结构为X的Y说V就V,例如爱情的巨轮说沉就沉。本文以真实的语料为基础对“翻船体”的生成与流行进行解析。  【关键词】:网络流行语;翻船体;衍生;认知  1.引言  “友谊的小船说翻就翻”出自于漫画作家喃东尼在微博发布的系列漫画,他用漫画的形式描述了主人公两只小企鹅之间的故事,诙谐地表达了友谊的脆弱。该流行语一经发布,
由于语言具有继承和发展的特点,因此,现代汉语不能等同于古代汉语,但其二者之间又有必然的联系。引用语语义也是一样,由于语言的继承性和稳定性,有一部分引用语是基本不变的,尽管被后人多次引用,但其仍旧保留了原文出处中的意义与形式,如:  “其为人也小有才。”(《孟子·尽心下》)译为:这个人有点小聪明。后世的引用如:《聊斋志异·司文郎》:“宋文应曰:‘三子者不同道,其趋一也。夫一者何也?曰:仁也。君子亦仁
【摘要】:新闻语体是汉语语体研究的重要组成部分,本文以新闻语体的语言形式为研究对象,从简洁精炼,通俗平实,新颖奇特三方面出发来详细论述新闻语体语言形式特点。  【关键词】:新闻语体;语言形式  新闻语体指人们在言语交际中,为了适应新闻交际领域、目的、任务等的需要,运用全民语言传播新闻信息而形成得语言特点体系,是以传播功能为标准区分出来的语体类型。新闻语体的语言要求简洁精炼,通俗平实,新颖奇特。  