韩国综合社会调查(Korean General Social Survey:KGSS)与中国综合社会调查中心(Chinese General Social Survey:CGSS)于2012年分别对408名和1747名18岁-39岁的青年实施了调查。调查结果显示,青年人在自我追求和目标实现时幸福感最强;金钱、智能、好朋友、家庭支持等可以提高但不直接影响青年人的幸福感。人际关系、参与社会组织、信赖等社会性变量对幸福感的预测能力不显著。这说明,有着集团主义文化传统的韩国青年和中国青年,在全球化的今天,已经和欧美青年一样,认为个人主义和自我价值实现更重要。且这种认知对其幸福感有着显著的影响。这就要求后续研究者在研究中,要比关注社会性和经济性要素对幸福感的影响作用,更多地关注情感、认知、性格等心理指向性要素对幸福感的影响作用。
In 2012, the Korean General Social Survey (KGSS) and the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) conducted a survey of 408 and 1747 youth aged 18 to 39 respectively. The survey results show that young people are most likely to feel the most happy when they are self-seeking and achieving their goals. Money, intelligence, good friends and family support can enhance but do not directly affect young people’s happiness. Social variables such as interpersonal relationships, participation in social organizations, and trust do not have significant predictive power for happiness. This shows that Korean and Chinese youths with a socialist cultural tradition have, like globalization of young people, already considered the realization of individualism and self-worth as important as young people in Europe and the United States. And this kind of cognition has a significant impact on their well-being. This requires follow-up researchers in the study, than pay attention to the impact of social and economic factors on the impact of happiness, pay more attention to emotional, cognitive, personality and other psychological-oriented elements of the impact of happiness.