A novel comparative molecule/pseudo receptor interaction analysis

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqylzy
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Comparative molecule/pseudo receptor interaction analysis (CoMPIA) is developed as a novel 3D-QSAR method by adding postulated pseudo receptor and GA-optimized probe into com- parative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). CoMPIA is used to find the pseudo receptor mode by opti- mizing probe distributions and to establish the opti- mal model of high qualities and good interpretations. Correlative coefficient R2, cross-validated correlative coefficient Q2 and root mean square error RMSEP of the resulting model are 0.940, 0.868 and 0.502, re- spectively by applying CoMPIA to quantitative struc- ture-activity relationship (QSAR) of 31 classical ster- oids. Comparative molecule / pseudo receptor interaction analysis (CoMPIA) was developed as a novel 3D-QSAR method by adding postulated pseudo receptor and GA-optimized probe into com parative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). CoMPIA is used to find the pseudo receptor mode by Correlation coefficient R2, cross-validated correlative coefficient Q2 and root mean square error RMSEP of the resulting models are 0.940, 0.868 and 0.502, re- spectively by applying CoMPIA to quantitative strucure-activity relationship (QSAR) of 31 classical steroids.
●可处理图像数目》9999张●图片格式》JPEG/TIFF/BMP●内存容量》GB●存储卡支持》MS Pro/SD/CF/xD●接口》USB/ HDMI●尺寸》305×210×168mm●重量》1.27kg ● Number of
患儿男,2 0d。因发热伴哭吵、惊跳3d于2 0 0 3年1月入院。体温39℃~4 0℃,面色苍白,腹泻、腹胀,吃奶减少。患儿足月顺产,出生体重380 0g ,无产伤窒息史;母乳喂养,双眼自生后均
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