The structural properties and formation energies of single vacancy (V1), double vacancy (V2) and hexagonal vacancy ring (V6) in silicon were compared using first-principles and the empirical potentials of Stillinger-Weber (SW), EDIP and Tersoff The advantages and disadvantages of empirically potential functions in describing vacancies are discussed.It is found that the first principles method can accurately describe the atomic structure and energy properties of vacancies and that the short-range empirical potential functions can not describe the inherent quantum effects of vacancies. Jahn-Teller deformation, etc. In addition, EDIP and T3 can not be applied to the calculation of the structural properties of vacancies due to the inherent potential shortcomings of the empirical potential function.Although the SW potential function can not describe the point group of V1 and V2, Direction and formation can be calculated in the performance of the excellent performance, relative to EDIP and T3 is more suitable for the calculation of vacancy.