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日本海域一场史无前例的大地震,随之引发巨大的海啸。山河俱破、满目疮痍,景象之惨烈让世界震惊。那么,当地震、海啸来袭时,我们该如何应对呢?地震来了,是躲还是跑?地震来临前,人的感官有时能直接觉察到异常现象,如地下水异常、生物异常、气象异常等。在碰到这些异常现象时,经科学辨识,人们可以在地震来袭前提早防范。但一旦地震发生时,至关重要的是要保持清醒的头脑和镇定自若的态度。只有镇定,才有可能运用平时学到的地震知识判断地震的大小和远近。近震常以上下颠簸开始,之后才左右摇摆。远震却很少有上下颠簸的感觉,而以左右摇摆为主,而且声脆,震动小。一般小震和远震不必外逃。 An unprecedented earthquake in the Japanese Sea led to a huge tsunami. Mountains and rivers are broken, devastation, the tragic scene of the world shocked. So, when the earthquake and tsunami struck, how should we deal with it? Earthquake came, is to hide or run? Before the earthquake, the human senses can sometimes be directly observed anomalies, such as groundwater anomalies, biological anomalies, weather anomalies . When encountering these anomalies, through scientific identification, people can guard against them before the earthquake strikes. However, in the event of an earthquake, it is crucial to maintain a clear-headed mind and a calm attitude. Only calm, it is possible to use the usual earthquake knowledge to judge the size and distance of the earthquake. Near Earthquakes usually start and down, then only swayed. Very few teleseismic feeling up and down the bumpy, but to swing around the main, and the sound crisp, small vibration. Generally small earthquakes and telekinesis do not have to flee.
Electronic spectra of substituted triphenylamines are investigated in this paper by time dependent perturbation theory and ZINDO/1-CI calculation. Electronic s
The mechanism and dynamical properties for the reaction of HCCO radicals with NO were investigated theoretically. The minimum energy paths(MEP) of the reaction
最早的“洋文名”  三國时期,沛国谯县有个小生,善于治病救人,他给自己搞了个梵文名字,用梵文的“药”这个词来称呼自己,这个词按照音译写是“华佗”。就这样,华佗开创了中国人取洋文名字的先河。  熊猫唐朝时就是“国宝”  早在唐朝时,熊猫就被当作国礼送给了日本。公元685年,日本遣唐使来华,为表示友好,武则天送给了日本天武天皇两只熊猫,随同遣唐使一道返回日本。  “知识就是力量”的最早出处  “知识就
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江南六大古镇中,南浔是唯一一个让我看到名字就心驰神往的地方。或许因为“南浔”和“难寻”谐音,让我很想知道南浔为何难寻。  一踏入古镇,我便感受到古镇的春天。微风拂过,河岸边的柳枝轻柔地随风飘荡,不时拂过水面,平静的河水在清风中泛起阵阵涟漪,颇有些“风乍起,吹皱一池春水”的意境。春风、春柳、春水,是属于我们江南的轻柔风韵,是北方难寻的景色。  前几日的雨水洗净了天空,若问天空的蔚蓝和什么最搭配,脚下