患者男,20岁,工人。于1990年3月16日晨因精神分裂症病复发,自持剃须刀片切伤颈部急送我院诊治。检查:发育正常,营养一般,面色苍白,神志模糊,失音,瞳孔等大,对光反射存在,BP8.7/7.3kpa,颈部有多处不规则伤口,部份气管裸露,伤口周围流血不止,急送手术室抢救。 手术方法 创面用大量生理盐水冲洗,结扎止血后见颈前于环状软骨下缘平面软组织全层不规则切断伤,甲状腺下端断离并渗血,气管1—3环软骨缺失,第4环软骨两侧仅留2—3mm残余软骨,未伤及食道和神经。将患者头部抬高30°,使颈部肌肉尽量松驰,先将气管两侧肌肉缝合,缩短气管与环状软
Patient male, 20 years old, worker. In the morning of March 16, 1990 due to recurrence of schizophrenia, self-sustaining razor cut the neck and sent to our hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Check: normal development, general nutrition, pale, blurred consciousness, aphonia, pupils and other large, the presence of light reflex, BP8.7 / 7.3kpa, there are multiple irregular neck injuries, some trachea bare bleeding wounds more than Rush to the operating room rescue. Surgical methods wound with a large number of saline irrigation, ligation see the cervix in front of the lower edge of the annular soft tissue resection of the full thickness irregular cut off the lower thyroid off and bleeding, tracheal 1-3 ring cartilage missing, the two sides of the fourth ring of cartilage Leaving only 2-3mm residual cartilage, did not hurt the esophagus and nerves. The patient’s head elevation 30 °, so that the neck muscles as much as possible relaxation, the first tracheal muscle suture on both sides, shortened tracheal and ring soft