研究了连续7年以不同灌溉方法进行灌溉的保护地土壤磷、钾含量及其剖面分布,结果表明:3种灌溉方法下土壤全磷含量随土层深度的增加而递减,10~20 cm层全磷含量达到最大值;速效磷含量总体变化趋势与全磷相似。不同灌溉方法下土壤全钾含量19.013~19.990 g/kg,底层全钾含量明显高于表层;3种灌溉方法下土壤速效钾含量随土层深度增加均呈倒置的“S”形分布,0~20 cm层速效钾含量最高。
The results showed that the soil total P content decreased with the depth of soil layer under the three kinds of irrigation methods. The soil layers with 10-20 cm layer Total phosphorus content reached the maximum; available phosphorus content of the overall trend of change and total phosphorus similar. Under different irrigation methods, the total K content in the soil was 19.013-19.990 g / kg, and the total potassium content in the bottom layer was significantly higher than that of the surface layer. The available K content of the three kinds of irrigation methods showed an inverted “S” distribution with 0 ~ 20 cm layer of potassium content of the highest available.