市场里的猪肉档前,来了一位满脸稚气的小女孩。“叔叔,这块肉要多少钱?”小女孩踮起脚尖,指着档上的一块猪肉问肉贩。肉贩拿起小女孩指的那块肉,啪一声放到秤盘上,跟着报了价:“3斤,6元一斤,18元。”小女孩说:“对不起,我没那么多钱,不要这么多。”肉贩就问小女孩有多少钱?小女孩说只有10块钱。 问了底细,肉贩拿起刀麻利地
Before the pork stall in the market, came a childish face of the little girl. “Uncle, how much does this piece of meat cost?” The little girl tiptoes, pointing to a piece of pork on the stall asking the butcher. Meatman pick up the little girl means that piece of meat, snapped into the pan, followed by reported price: “3 pounds, 6 yuan a pound, $ 18. ” The little girl said: “I’m sorry, I did not So much money, not so much. ”" The buzzer asked how much the little girl had? The little girl said only ten bucks. When asked in detail, the butcher deftly picked up the knife